Photography 11
Photography 11 is a locally developed course that meets the requirements set out in the BC Ministry of Education learning outcomes for Media Arts 11. The course is a mix of theory and practice. Students will appreciate the dichotomy between theory and technical proficiency in photography. Students will be able to create a print that is technically perfect, and containing content that is meaningful and thought out. By the end of the course it is expected that students will be able to:
Attitudes/ work habits
Work to one’s personal best to overcome problems and understand concepts
Work in a team atmosphere to overcome problems and understand concepts
Maintain an organized work environment
Develop film into negatives
Print photographic prints
Make contact sheets
Modify and customize images (analogue and digital)
Create a negative library
Convert documents into digital files using a scanner
Manipulate these images with digital retouching software
Organize their digital files
Understand the basic operation of a manual digital/ film SLR Camera
Understand the theory behind how film and digitally based photography works
Understand how photo paper works
Comprehend the role that photography has played in society over the centuries
Identify and differentiate fields of photography
****Students are required to come to class with a pen and paper. These are essential****
Your own film and or digital SLR camera is an asset, as it means that you will be able to work at your own pace.
A portable USB flash drive
Evaluation will be transparent, meaning that marks breakdown will be available for every assignment.
You will be marked on a number of things.
Marks will be based on the quality of the negative, the quality of the print, inclusion of contact sheet, and content. For each assignment there will be a marks breakdown on the assignment sheet. Digital assignments will be marked on many factors including digital retouching, and good resolution images handed in, ready for print. Proper file format and naming protocols are also important
Late assignments will not be accepted unless accompanied by a note you’re your parent/guardian.
This class has a certain amount of freedom to it. There are opportunities to work outside of the classroom. With this freedom comes responsibility. If you do not attend lectures, you will probably fail this class! Regular attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be in class, on time, every class for attendance.
Please contact me at any time via e-mail at if you need help.
Modules are designed with a learning outcome (usually the title of the module). Each Module contains:
Sometimes summative assessment will be used, and at other times, formative assessment.
What this means is that you will be graded along the way on a number of criteria, as opposed to just the final project being marked.
Module 1 Class procedures
Drawers will be assigned
Students will download/install app on their phones and sign up for account
Student emails will be collected
Classroom cleanup and garbage/ recycling overview
Fire drill/ emergency procedures overview
Introduction to
Students will be given workbooks (In class work time to decorate these)
Any forms will be handed out
Module 2 Visual Elements
Students will be shown Visual Elements powerpoint
Students will be given Analogue Visual Elements assignment (In class work time)
Students will be given Digital Visual Elements assignment
Students shown Kodak Visual Elements Composition video
Analogue Visual Elements due
Module 3 Introduction to and saving conventions
Students shown “Save Here”, download procedures, and naming conventions
Students possibly shown site and sign up for account
Students shown how to create a PDF slideshow in Photoshop
Digital Visual Elements Due
Module 4 Introduction to pixels/ pixel review
Complete overview/ review of pixels (notes)
Pixel worksheet 1.1 completed and submitted
Module 5 Introduction to Camera metering/holy triangle
Students shown the Holy Triangle (lecture, notes)
Camera Simulator website shown
Theoretical worksheet assigned/due
Module 6 The Camera
Introduction to the nomenclature of the camera
Introduction to different Camera Modes (Manual, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, Program Mode)
Nomenclature test due
Module 7 The Shutter
Handout/ link(s): How a camera shutter works(video)
Different effects using different shutter speeds
Demonstrations of different shutter speeds
“Blur” PowerPoint Presentation
New assignment: Blur
Reading: Langford pg. 31,34-35, 116
Blur Assignment due
Module 8 Aperture
Aperture notes
Powerpoint “Aperture”
Handout/link(s): Aperture , ,, “Depth of Field”
Rec. Reading: Langford, pg 30, 32-33, 36-37
Module 9 ISO
ISO notes
Assignment of ISO project
Demonstration of changing ISO on different digital cameras
Reading: Langford pg. 38
ISO project due
Module 10 White Balance
Introduction to the concept of White Balance
White Balance Notes
White Balance Project due
Module 11 Photoshop
Work on Photoshop Projects 1,3, and 4 “The Vegetable Project”
Click here and select “04Start.psd” to download the file for project 4
Vegetable Project due
Module 13 The RAW photo format
Introduction to camera raw (notes)
Introduction to/ review of Levels
Introduction to Curves
Module 14 Lenses
Lens powerpoint shown
Lens quiz assigned/ due same class
Module 15 Camera Types
“Types of Cameras” PowerPoint presentation
Click here for an example of a very basic camera
Quiz: different camera types (see “Types of Cameras” Powerpoint)
Quiz due end of class
Module 16 Magnum in Motion
Magnum in Motion Assignment introduced/due
Module 17 Pinhole cameras